First, this website would not be true to it’s calling if first we did not mention the Greatest Creator of All Time. Jesus Christ the Son of God. It is for You we lift our eyes and seek You as the greatest prize above it all.
Michelle Wells
Michelle is the founder which the Lord chose to deliver the name Eve of Genesis to. It has been her Instagram handle, e-mail address, and go-to username for all the things. She had no idea this was how He would eventually use that name. Her original career was in Finance where she advanced in the corporate ranks all the way to the CFO level. Then life took a sharp left when she planned to go right. But God. And now she lives her life by His Plan as a Beloved Daughter of the Living God.

Ashley Hopkins
Ashley currently serves multiple roles with her church Gloryland Bridgeport in Nebraska. She functions as a Youth Leader, Worship Team Member, Media, and Janitorial Staff. She has a heart to mentor people from all walks of life as they find Christ and develop their own personal relationship with Him. Hearing and obeying the Voice of the Father is the leading priority in her walk and it shows in so many ways!