Have you ever desperately, and I mean so desperately, needed something healed in your soul, your body, your anything? Have you ever been so desperate for help that you would accept anything that came your way that looked even remotely like help? Or at least like a reprieve?
I see you friend. I am you. I have been there. I am still on a journey of healing. Maybe I always will be. But what I know right now that I did not know before was there is a God that heals through His great Love for me. I cannot tell you how many times I have witnessed Him move in my life when I felt like there was nobody there. He was. And He always will be. For me and for you.
And as I learned to lean on Him and trust in Him He truly has guided me into “family”. The kind of tribe that holds you when you’re having PTSD flashbacks on the floor in the church bathroom. The kind of tribe that refuses to leave your side when you’re fighting to stay in the fight.
Did you hear me?
The kind of Love that S.T.A.Y.S. The kind of Love that FIGHTS FOR YOU.
Now there may be many of you reading this that are crying out inside “I HAVE NO TRIBE!” And my heart ACHES for you. Because I HAVE BEEN where you are. In fact I spent YEARS in that dark, desperate lonely place. That is exactly WHY I feel so inspired to keep writing these blogs and at His calling to start this Eve of Genesis website.
Because I know what I needed when I had NOBODY. I needed SOMEBODY. And all the somebodies that seemed to come and hang out were all the wrong somebodies leading me ever into deeper, darker, more desperate places.
We ALL need Love.
To the ones who are crying out today for help – GOD HEARS YOU. To the drug addict, to the one who has talked themselves out of suicide for the five thousandth time, to the one who has absolutely NOBODY I can TESTIFY you have CHRIST! He is a friend that completely understands! He knows every hair on your head! He knows where you are right this very moment and He knows what you do and do not understand.
Do you see? HE KNOWS. We don’t have to. We just LEAN ON HIM and He is FAITHFUL to HIS Word. To His Truth. Faithful To Who He Is for He is the very Fabric of all creation by which all things were made which means HE IS WITH YOU this very moment. Reach out to HIM! He will lead you to the right “family” and friends. I know it may not feel like it in the midst of the battle, but I promise you. Christ will lead you to His people or He will send them out to come sit and LOVE YOU.
And to my beloved church family and friends. Keep on going. Fan the flame. Keep the faith. Run that race. You never know who you are helping. You never know who is going to cross your path. You never know what a HUG is doing for somebody who has been to Hell and back enough times to lead a guided tour that no one, including them, is interested in viewing.
Don’t quit being who God made you. You are beautiful souls. And don’t WORRY about HOW to do what God has commanded you to do. For He Himself in bright red glory filled letters told us EXACTLY HOW to do ALL THINGS HE ASKS OF US.
So LOVE. Love big. Love loud. Love the ones in the dark. The ones who can’t find you themselves. Why do you think we are SENT OUT? Because we go to THEM! Christ Himself CAME TO US and draws all to Himself.
Look to Him for guidance. You have been given authority to heal through the calling of Christ as the Word of God teaches us. And it is through God’s LOVE working in us that we are able to fulfil this command from Him, as the very scriptures themselves reveal.