Never Be Defeated Again
Can you imagine if the veil of deception was entirely removed from the church’s eyes? Imagine the force we would be if we truly realized that defeat wasn’t even possible. Since the day you’ve been born again you’ve never been defeated in Christ. Not one day. You may have thought you were and lived life…
Zookeepers, Visitors, and Lions – Which One Are You?
Have you ever gone to the zoo and looked at the animal on the other side of the cage and thought to yourself “What a majestic animal!”? Take a lion for instance. This is such an awesome animal that we get to enjoy the beauty of seeing in a controlled environment behind a cage. But…
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About Jesus

A life in Christ will bring you into the marvelous, the miraculous, and draw you out of the mundane into a life of FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE. Want to know more about this Jesus we speak of? Click Read More below to find out more about Him. You won’t regret getting to know Him.