A Calling
Eve of Genesis. Do you ever find yourself on the edge of something new? Viewing the horizon of the dawn? A caterpillar? Or the dissolved gooey mess of one? What about a butterfly? Or do you feel like that day never seems to arrive?
Eve of Genesis is a calling. An assignment from the Father. A name which He gave one day. Full of meaning that is so extensively valuable I’m not sure whether a page could possibly contain the description of it.
The Original Eve
Eve. You know. The one from Genesis? The Mother of us all really. Do we honor her? She did manage to impose the death sentence upon everyone and all of creation. But if we believe the scriptures when they speak in the fifth commandment to “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord Your God is giving you”, well…
This is our land. And while we all have our own first generation mother there is a motherly ancestor we all have in common.
So let’s pick up the torch and do what she did not do. Let’s return to the Lord and ask HIM what He said. Let’s tune out the enemy and deny him access to our lives. Let’s return to the purity of God’s Holy Word and the Truth that is found through life in Jesus Christ.
Lets turn our hearts again to the Father and engage Him in holy conversation rather than every other voice out there.
Let us find redemption by seeking the Truth in Christ.
That’s just one puzzle piece.
New Beginnings
Butterflies are so odd. I mean. Does any other creature go through such suffering to become something so beautiful? To live an entire life as a caterpillar only to reach full size, and then what? Die.
Or rather transform. Which is another way of saying die in my book. They’re dead. Glorify it all you want, but you’ve seen the memes on Facebook same as I have.

Does anyone else ever feel like they got stuck in that mess by accident? And that somehow that meme gets recycled time after time without life TRULY taking a turn for anything that feels butterfly-ish?
Just me? Okay fine.
But I dare you to be honest with yourself. I dare you to discover those hidden dreams that you “lost” on a shelf or angrily tossed to the side thinking no one could possibly see anything of value behind all the pain you hide.
I know this isn’t just something I have felt. Because I find more and more a world that is ACHING in PAIN and CRYING OUT and finding themselves lost in everyway imaginable. I know this is true because I have talked to people just like you. I AM PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU.
Eve of Genesis Is For You
So true to the TRUTH Eve of Genesis is written just for you. As a place of deep, honest revelation about the Truth of the Life we are living. How we can go to places so much greater than just surviving? We really can get out of our gooey mess and finally start THRIVING.
It just takes the right timing.
“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV
There’s a reason you’re an egg. Then a caterpillar. Then a giant mess held tightly, comfortingly within a cocoon.
And then the butterfly. The most beautiful stage of this creature’s life. But it is a stage not reached without first dying to an entire life that looks nothing like that of the life which they eventually receive. And don’t forget the part where they hide inside a cocoon just a total wreck before they are ever again seen.
My friend. Don’t quit. Just as Jesus the King made the butterfly to go through this transformation so He has made for you a transformation cycle of your own.
We sure like to be transformed.
Not so much that being transformed part.
Don’t give up. You have a God available to you that is greater than all your messes and the life you’re afraid you might have to give up. He is ABBA Father. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Together with His Holy Spirit working in us you can get up rather than giving up.
You just might be at the eve of your genesis.